Pious Wallpaper

Wallpaper vs Painting - the best, the cost, durability and more

Wallpaper vs Painting

Bringing authenticity and beauty to interiors are an elemental part of every renovation works. Interior decor is now at a pace of integrating modern technology and art as one, improving elegance and sophistication for all. But, one always get to a pause when it comes to choosing wallpaper or painting for interior wall décor, and we are here to help you. Wallpaper or painting are both fine choices for a home or office.  Both are durable, elegant and cost varies accordingly. People can choose one based on functionalities and the space they want to revamp. Painting and wallpaper has to be done by the right wallpaper company, for an effective result. Pious wallpapers are a great choice for home décor works in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and around India. Before choosing from our diverse wallpaper collection, know the pros and cons of wallpapers and painting and consult with the expert interior decorators of Pious.

Durability – While wallpapers last longer than wall painting, a better choice for a long-term wall décor would be wallpapers.  Painting last to 5-6 years while wallpapers last up to 10 years. But, exposure to sunlight, humidity and rough-use may shorten the durability.

Cost – Wallpapers are more expensive than paintings based on the material and type of art. Paintings are more cost-effective. The installation charges can also be high for wallpapers but be quickly done. Painting may take 2-3 days but overall be more affordable and reliable.

Maintenance – Wallpapers are easy to maintain and clean, while paintings require a little more attention. Paintings may get faded over time. Wallpaper are prone to tears and breaks while paintings are prone to chipping and flaking. 

From a broader perspective, wallpapers are a better choice to improve interior home décor or interior décor in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and India based on lifestyle and functionality. 

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